Your partner in Microsoft’s CRM implementation

A complete spectrum of customer engagement solutions from Microsoft

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an integrated suite that on a single platform brings together various possibilities – Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales, Customer Insights, Customer Service, Field Service and Project Operation.

  • Sales

    offers sales pipeline management and full transparency into relationship activities
  • Customer Service

    automates and streamlines case and knowledge management, enables personalized service with a 360-degree customer view
  • Customer Insights

    enables building customer journeys, and automates marketing and communication

Close more deals and stay focused on your prospects with software that efficiently manages all your sales information and activities

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales (previously Microsoft Dynamics CRM) is a comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM) software solution designed to help businesses automate sales processes, streamline workflows, and improve customer engagement. From lead generation to closing deals, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales provides an unified platform for managing the complete sales lifecycle.

Key features of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

Dynamics 365 Sales aims to boost your business's sales and customer management. It provides a wide range of capabilities, seamless integrations, and comprehensive reporting features.

Lead Management

Leads represent early-stage potential customers and opportunities. Using Dynamics 365, you can manage and convert your leads into opportunities.

  • Capture, qualify, and nurture leads to move them through the sales funnel.
  • Use AI-powered lead scoring to prioritise leads based on their likelihood of conversion.
  • Assign leads to sales reps and track their progress.

Activity tracking

Activities in Dynamics 365 help sellers keep track of all actions and follow-ups to convert opportunities. You can schedule and track activities such as meetings, phone calls, tasks and appointments, via the dashboard and generate reports on them. This ensures a comprehensive record of all interactions related to an opportunity, contact or account, which is captured and stored within the system.

Sales Automation

Automation features help reduce manual tasks. You can set up workflows to automate processes, such as lead assignment, follow-up reminders, and approval workflows. This enhances efficiency and ensures consistent execution of sales processes.

Opportunity management

Once you qualify your leads, they become sales opportunities. Opportunity management is highly customisable, aligning with your unique sales process. You can create different stages that mirror your own workflow, ensuring your sellers capture the right activity and information at each step.

  • Track opportunities from initial contact to closure.
  • Create and manage sales quotes and proposals.
  • Forecast sales and track against targets.

Reporting and Analytics

Sales teams need to be able to promptly react and adapt sales tactics. Dynamics 365 Sales equips them with tools to analyse sales data, generate reports, and forecasts, gaining meaningful insights into sales performance and to optimise future actions.

  • Track key metrics and identify trends.
  • Use data to make better decisions about sales and marketing.
  • Create custom reports and dashboards to visualise your data.

Sales Collaboration

Dynamics 365 Sales facilitates collaboration among sales teams, enabling them to share documents, information, and updates in real-time.

Our Dynamics 365 Sales Services

  • Analysis and consulting

    Our consultants assess your sales process and recommend tailored plans for Dynamics 365 Sales implementation
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    Implementation and integrations

    We customise Dynamics 365 Sales to fit your business, ensuring seamless integrations and timely deployment
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    Maintenance and support

    We offer ongoing support, ensuring smooth operation, troubleshooting, and scalability as your business grows


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